Welcome to Portholme Church!

Come on in and have a browse around. There's plenty to read, if there's anything else you want to know - or just say 'hello' - please get in touch via the contact page.

All the latest news is available on our Facebook page – click here for the Facebook page or search for "Portholme Church" on Facebook.

You’ll find a warm welcome at Portholme Church We will also be very pleased to meet you in person!  if you join us on Sunday at 10:45am for worship …  or pop in on a Monday morning between 10:00am and 12:00noon for a cup of tea or coffee on us — just mention that you’re here for the first time.

Circuit Vision Day

You are warmly invited to a Circuit Vision Day on Saturday 5th April at Portholme Church, from 10am to 1pm.

As Christians, we share together in what the apostle Paul calls a 'partnership in the gospel' (Phil 1:5). With this in mind, and in view of the varied opportunities and challenges before us as a circuit and in our church fellowships, The Circuit Leadership Team (CLT) is warmly inviting each one of us to a Circuit Vision Day on Saturday 5th April at Portholme Church, from 10am to 1pm.

Together, as partners in our calling, we will be seeking to discover what God is saying to us at this time. Trusting the God of possibilities, we will prayerfully seek to know what he is saying to us about our mission and ministry in 'our bit of Yorkshire', asking for the Holy Spirit to guide us as we consult together.