"We love,
because he
first loved us."
1 John 1:19, NRSV

We express our love in many different ways; by using our skills and talents to help one another, by offering our time in service to our neighbours and community, by praying for one another and those in need, and by generous gifts of money to help fund the work of charities.

We’re not asking for money as we recognise that many people will be finding life hard and financially difficult. However, we also recognise that charitable giving is popular among those who can afford it so if you are able to give towards the cost of keeping Portholme Church open — both as a church and as a place where community organisations can come together to meet — please visit our Donate with Dona page via this link

Alternatively, you can set-up a regular bank transfer to donate to Portholme Church automatically. If you would like more information about this then please get in touch with our Treasurer.