Welcome to Portholme Church!

Come on in and have a browse around. There's plenty to read, if there's anything else you want to know - or just say 'hello' to us - please get in touch via the contact page.

All our latest news is available on our Facebook page – click here for our Facebook page or search for "Portholme Church" on Facebook.

Solar Update: One Year On

Malus 'Comtesse de Paris' in bloom, spring 2024One year on from the installation of the solar panels we can begin to see the impact they are having on the energy use at Portholme Church. Here are a few statistics:

  • In their first full year of operation, our solar panels generated a total of 18,451kWh of “green” electricity, or to put that another way, enough energy to allow you to watch every event of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games on television more than forty times over.
  • Over the 12 months period, solar power (both direct from the panels and from the battery storage unit) accounted for 78% of all the electricity used at Portholme Church.
  • During this time, 13,514kWh of energy have been exported to the National Grid providing “green” electricity for others to use – that enough energy to boil water for over half a million cups of tea!
  • Overall, since the solar panels were installed at the very end of June 2023, they have saved CO2 emissions that are equivalent to planting 276 new trees.

Portholme Church also had an “energy conservation survey” carried out recently. This has provided further suggestions on how to move towards the goal of “Net Zero Carbon”.  We’ll continue to provide updates on how we are getting on – feel free to get in touch, via our contact page, and share your thoughts and ideas about how to make a difference. You can also pop over to the Our Zero Selby website and see how you can get involved in projects aimed at bringing the long-term benefits of a zero carbon Selby to everyone.

Welcome to Portholme (Church)

Welcome to PortholmeWe are very pleased to be getting some new neighbours and we hope that you’ll come round to see us soon! If you are moving into “Portholme”, you’ll find a very warm welcome just across the road at Portholme Church. We’d love you to join us on Sunday at 10:45am for worship … or pop in on a Monday morning between 10:00am and 12:00noon for a cup of tea or coffee on us — just mention that you’re one of our new neighbours!