Useful Links

Portholme Church is a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) encompassing Selby United Reformed Church and Selby Methodist Church. We are a part of the nationwide structure of both churches and you can find out more about the bigger picture by clicking on the links provided below.

United Reformed Church (

United Reformed Church Yorkshire Synod (

Methodist Church in Britain (

Goole & Selby Methodist Circuit (

Yorkshire North & East Methodist District (

How To Find Us

Portholme Church is located in Selby town centre, sandwiched between the Aldi, Tesco and Morrison’s supermarkets! We have a small car park for church users but plenty of parking is available on the adjacent public car park and parking is free after 6pm ("Pay & Display" during day time). There is good wheelchair access with no steps or stairs. Portholme Church is on the corner of Portholme Road and Portholme Crescent. Our post code is YO8 4QH.

Churches Together in Selby

Portholme Church is an active member of Churches Together in Selby, an organisation that exists to promote fellowship, understanding and co-operation between the different churches in the area and to provide united action in witness, outreach and service to the community.

Room Hire

Portholme Church is in use around 60-65 hours per week and is very much part of Selby’s lifeblood with around 600 plus folk using it every week as well as “church” on Sundays. We are pleased to host Blood Donor sessions, several choirs, judo classes, children’s parties, dementia groups, coffee mornings, toddler group, charity events, etc.
To book the hall for your own event, please phone our Bookings Secretary on 01757 703046

Other regular activities at Portholme Church

We are pleased to welcome a wide variety of groups to Portholme Church every week. Singing, art, judo, discussion, motivation – it all takes place at Portholme Church! If you are the leader of one of the groups that hire Portholme Church for your weekly or monthly activities and would like us to give you a mention on our website, please contact us by email:

Sing Yourself Happy

A FUN singalong group for older people with a choice of over 100 well known songs from the early 1900’s to the 1980’s. We meet every Tuesday morning 10am-12 noon, £2.50 pp including refreshments (1st visit free). A warm welcome from our lovely, dementia friendly support team awaits. For more information, please contact;

Rock Choir

Rock Choir is much more than a choir – it’s a multi layered singing experience. The power of music, meeting new friends and performing at life changing events, together contribute to an emotional and powerful journey for our members – over 30,000 people sing in Rock Choir across the UK. Rock Choir meet at Portholme Church on Wednesday evenings during term time from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. For more information, please visit or telephone 01252 714276

Weekday Events

Coffee Morning – Monday, 10:00am to 12:00noon. Everyone is welcome to pop in for a coffee and a chat. This is a great way to meet people and to spend time with friends. We serve Fairtrade tea & coffee and you can stay as long as you like. Our Coffee Morning is now officially designated as a “Warm Space” where you will find company and a friendly welcome. The Traidcraft Stall offers greetings cards and a wide selection of fairly traded goods at reasonable prices.

Bank Holiday Cafeterias We also run a cafeteria on Bank Holiday Mondays when we open from 9:30am to 1:00pm and extend our facilities to include cakes, sandwiches, book stall, bric-a-brac stall and other items. People come from miles around to visit the market in Selby on Bank Holiday Mondays and many choose to call in at Portholme Church – why don’t you join us, too?

Knit & Natter – If you enjoy knitting, you’ll be welcome to join our group. We meet at Portholme Church on Wednesday mornings from 10am. We knit goods for sale at church events and also items needed by charities. The group is informal so you can just come along and start knitting & nattering at any time.

Parents & Young Children Group  As the name implies, this is a group for pre-school children and their parents / carers / grandparents. Ages range from new-born up to school age. The Parents and Young Children (PYC) Group meet on Friday from 9:30am to 11:15am during term time only. We have a waiting list, but you can find out more details by email:

House Group / Bible Study

Portholme Church members regularly meet in their homes bible study and prayer. The dates appear on our weekly printed news sheet which is normally available for anyone to collect from the church foyer.


Worship is held at 10:45am on Sundays. Children and young people are welcomed into our Junior Church.

Click on the “Calendar” tab for more details of our Sunday services. We have a variety of worship styles. Most services are led by our minister or by a local preacher and will usually last for about an hour. There is always an opportunity to share in fellowship with other worshippers after the service over a cup of tea or coffee.

There is no “dress code” for any of our services and you will be just as welcome in t-shirt and jeans as in your “Sunday best”.

Contemplative Prayer is held on the first Sunday of each month at 6:00pm.

All the latest details about our services are available on our Facebook page – click here for our Facebook page or search for “Portholme Church” on Facebook.